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መጪ ትምህርቶች
- ጊዜ ቲቢዲ ነውቦታው ቲቢዲ ነውThis 45 – 60-minute presentation or online educate staff on what to look out for when using the internet and social media, and the importance of protecting your information. Using slides, videos and visual aids this fun, the interactive session brings context and significance of educating your staff
- 02 ዲሴም 2020 9:00 ጥዋት – 03 ዲሴም 2020 5:00 ከሰዓትደረጃ 11 መቀበያ, 3 Hunter Street, Wellington 6011, New ZealandThis cybersecurity course will enable decision-makers at all levels to focus on critical risks and impacts on the business. It will help inform senior management of the strategic and operational areas that require attention whilst maintaining transparency through the entire process.
- 10 ዲሴም 2019 9:00 ጥዋት – 5:00 ከሰዓት ጂ ኤም ቲ+13ዌሊንግተን, ዌሊንግተን ፣ ኒውዚላንድMITRE ATT&CK™ is a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. This one day workshop takes attendees through the structure and fundamentals of using the framework and adapts it to your organisations own threat modelling.
- 25 ኖቬም 2019 9:00 ከሰዓት ጂ ኤም ቲ+13 – 29 ኖቬም 2019 5:00 ከሰዓት ጂ ኤም ቲ+13ዌሊንግተን, ቪክቶሪያ ዩኒቨርሲቲ, NZ, ዌሊንግተን ፣ ኒውዚላንድይህ የአምስት ቀን የሳይበር ደህንነት ኮርስ ለኮምፒዩተር ደህንነት አደጋ ምላሽ ቡድን (CSIRT) ሰራተኞች አነስተኛ ወይም ምንም ክስተት የመያዝ ልምድ ለሌላቸው ሰራተኞች ነው ፡፡ አንድ ክስተት አስተናጋጅ የዕለት ተዕለት ሥራቸውን እንዲያከናውን የሚያግዝ ዋናውን የክስተት አያያዝ ሥራዎችን እና የሂሳዊ አስተሳሰብ ችሎታዎችን ያስተዋውቃል ፡፡ $ 3895 NZDExGST
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